Fall’s Here-Keep Moisturizing!

This post is the last as part of a series sponsored by Jergens for SocialStars™Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer

Now that school is well underway and we have a few high school football games under our belt, I can confidently say that fall is finally here…or at least I’m beginning to catch glimpses of it, since where I live fall is more of a concept than a reality.  In south Texas, as soon as the daily temperatures fall under 90 degrees, it’s cool enough to pull out the jeans and pretend that we’re not about to die of heat stroke.  Generally, this is also the time when I get lazy with body moisturizers.  I figure that since no one is really seeing my legs anymore, why bother moisturizing them, right?  And even though I go through this insane justification every year, I come to regret it around mid-November, when my legs look more than a little reptilian.Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer

I’ve written two blog posts already on my new found love for the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer, and I’ve mentioned it in a recent Favorites video on my YouTube channel, but the reasons why I love it need to be mentioned again.  First and foremost, it’s a lazy girl’s best friend.  It lives in your shower.  You shower like you always do (I think we all know how that goes), then when you’re all done, turn the water off, but STAY IN THE SHOWER.  Take a dime-sized amount of the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer for each arm and rub it onto your arms.  Now for the legs, but this time use a quarter-sized amount.  Use about the same amount for your torso.  Now step out of the shower, pat yourself dry, and get on with the rest of your getting ready experience.  No need to slather on anything else!  That’s reason #1 why I love it.  Reason #2-I have dry skin, and this stuff works.  It’s as basic as that-it does what it says it’s supposed to do.  Sadly, not every product does these days.  And finally, it smells divine.  I have the coconut scented version and it’s lovely.  It’s also not so overpowering that it will conflict with any perfumes or body sprays you put on later.

I have also found a new reason to love the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer, which I would not have learned until the weather cooled off and I could start wearing jeans and pants again.  You can get dressed immediately after you put it on and it will NOT stick to your clothes!!  I might be getting a little overexcited, but this is life changing!!  It’s the small things in life that make me happy, and it’s the small things in life that really irritate me.  There’s nothing like getting tangled up in your clothes to start your day on the wrong foot.  And as the temperatures start to drop, I want to get in my clothes as fast as possible (even if those temperatures are a balmy 60 degrees).MsGoldgirl with West Highland White Terrier

If you haven’t given Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer a try yet, I highly recommend doing so.  It’s easy to find just about everywhere-drugstores, the grocery store, etc.  You can get more information about it by visiting the Jergens website too.  If you have already tried it, please let me know what you thought!

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  1. Bought it, tried it, love it, but…either I was having a streak of hot flashes right after applying, or my pores couldn’t breathe and I just felt too , I don’t know, claustrophobic? after using this product. Anyone else had a similar experience? Maybe it’s just me!

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