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Wednesday Weekly Vlog #6

So now that I’m six into what is a permanent series on my YouTube channel, I thought I’d do an accompanying blog post to explain a bit more about my week, since it’s hard to cover everything when seven days are squeezed into approximately 15 minutes.
I think it’s pretty fun to document little snippets of my life.  I can’t take you everywhere-what you didn’t see this week were visits to my doctor and my kids’ doctors, grocery shopping, etc, but you got to see the highlights.  Here’s a bit more info on each day of the week:
What an outfit disaster!!  It wasn’t until I watched the footage back in editing that I realized that I was wearing mom jeans.  Those white pants are the perfect example of everything you shouldn’t look for in a pair of white pants.  I am so terribly sorry you had to see that.
My husband and I hit the mall to do a little anniversary shopping, and somehow we detoured into Neiman Marcus.  They were having a huge sale, and I had hoped to quickly snag a dress or two for my son’s upcoming bar mitzvah weekend.  I tried on two-one didn’t fit, and the other made me look…not good.  So neither came home with me.  I ended up ordering a GORGEOUS Kate Spade dress from Nordstrom for the Saturday morning service/luncheon portion of the weekend.  You can see it .
Every year, the Greater San Antonio Association of Builders puts on The Parade of Homes, where a bunch of home builders get together and build what are basically fantasy homes, except that actual people end up buying them.  The homes are decked out by interior designers, then opened up to the public (for a fee), where we can all dream of living in the lap of luxury.  This year, there were only five homes, and my best friend Leigh (who is an AMAZING designer and home stager) came with me to ooh and ahh over the pretty houses.  
I did absolutely nothing that you would want to see on camera.  Doctor’s appointments, laundry, Homeowners Association Board Meeting, etc.  BO-RING!
Well, this was my busy day.  I lightened my eyebrows (watch the tutorial), managed to get mascara all over myself, and got some editing done.  If you are looking for a very user friendly photo-editing site, you must check out www.picmonkey.com.  There are a lot of free features, but if you want full access to everything, it’s a $5/month fee, and well worth it if you’re a blogger or YouTuber.  
This was the day I headed over to our club to meet with the head of the catering department to go over details for the party for my son’s bar mitzvah.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the whole concept, the Saturday evening party is pretty much identical to a formal wedding reception.  Think seated dinner, open bar, DJ, dancing, favors, etc. Considering I have no daughters and will never get this much input into planning my boys’ weddings, I’m going all out with this one. That afternoon I picked out the menu choices and walked the ballroom with the caterer to get an idea of the layout.  I can’t wait to show you how it all comes together!
Another low-key day in a week of low-key days…which pretty much describes my summer. I had a great time meeting other San Antonio area bloggers for coffee at one of my favorite places in the city, Local Coffee at The Historic Pearl Brewery.  The weather was hot, muggy, and occasionally rainy, but we persevered and I think I made some new friends.  It was great to exchange ideas and commiserate!
Here are links to some of the things I mentioned in the video:
Pretty Shiny Sparkly-fellow Texan and extraordinary blogger/YouTuber
Thanks for watching!

*Affiliate links have been used.

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  1. Hi Marni 🙂 Your choice of dress is perfect. Love it. A very classy and feminine dress. You will look stunning. Have a lovely weekend. xo.

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