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Holiday Gift Ideas for Teen Boys

Gift Guide for Teen Boys

I know it’s last minute, but if there are any mothers out there like me, they’re racking their brains trying to figure out what to buy their teenage sons for the holidays. I’ve been married for almost 20 years, I’ve been a mom to two boys for 18 1/2 years, and I still hit a blank wall when it comes to gift ideas for boys.  So this year I asked my youngest son, who is 15 years old, to help me out.  He refused to join me for the video, but he did very graciously provide me with a list of suggestions, complete with links.  Wasn’t that sweet of him (can you hear the sarcasm)?  I’m sure he was motivated by self-interest, but I also thought it might be helpful to those of you who are down to the wire and trying to shop for the most difficult people on your list-boys!!

If you’d like to watch the video on my YouTube channel to hear about even more suggestions than I’ve included in this blog post, please click HERE, otherwise, please scroll down and have a look at the lovely collage I’ve made for you! Click on any of the pictures to take you straight to the website to shop!  Most stores are still offering guaranteed shipping by the 23rd, and if you’re celebrating Hanukkah, don’t stress, you still have some time!! And if you’re still looking for something for the women in your life (mom, friend, sister, daughter, or even for you), then have a look at the video I made in collaboration with Nordstrom called Holiday Gifts for the Women In Your Life.  Good luck and I hope this helps!!

Gifts For Teen Boys

Gifts For The Women In Your Life

Gifts For Teen Boys

Gifts For The Women In Your Life

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