BaubleBar Memorial Day Sale
I know, I know, two blog posts in one day…madness! But what’s insane is the annual Memorial Day Sale. It’s really a great opportunity to grab those things you’ve had your eye on but haven’t gone ahead and put in your shopping cart. As always, below are the pieces I already own and love, and have worn countless times in my videos. None of these should be unfamiliar to you. You can click on the pictures to go directly to the site and shop to your heart’s content! Links are all affiliate links (which does not affect what you pay at all) and if you use said links, thank you in advance for your support, which goes to fund my habit! :)As you can see from the picture above, the amount you save depends on the number of pieces you buy. You can save anywhere from 20-30%, all the way through midnight on 5/25.
There are a few that I couldn’t put in my fancy little widget, but are my absolute top picks:
-a set of fun, bright, threaded and stretchy summer bracelets
-probably my three most worn pairs of earrings to date
-there are literally dozens of combos to be made out of this set-OK, this isn’t actually on the BaubleBar site anymore, but I found an EXACT dupe for it in gold for only $10 from Nordstrom with free shipping!
Here are the rest of my current pieces that are still on the site and on sale: