
TMI Topic | Removing Body Hair | Luma Rx Follow-Up

Luma Rx Hair Removal

Back in November 2015, I decided to publicly humiliate myself by discussing my life-long struggle with unwanted body hair, and the various ways and means I had attempted to get rid of it. If you haven’t seen that video, have a peek HERE. The purpose of that video was to tell you about a new device called the Luma Rx that had been sent to me, and what the experience had been like so far. It takes about 6 weeks to go through the whole program, so I promised a follow-up to let you know how things had gone. You can watch the follow-up video HERE, or just keep reading:

  • It’s much less expensive than going to an office. The cost is $379 for the unit, and it should last you about 7 years before you need to purchase a replacement bulb ($99). I have personally spent $1,000’s on “professional” laser hair removal, and it still grew back!
  • It’s not at all embarrassing. You can do this in the privacy of your own home, behind closed doors, in the dark (well, not in the dark, but you get the idea). Privacy is important to me!
  • It doesn’t really hurt. Of course there is some discomfort, but with 3 levels to choose from, you pick how “strong” the light pulse is. 1 is the lowest setting, 3 is the highest, and I use 3 without a problem.
  • Best part…it freaking WORKS! I did 3 sessions, a 2 weeks apart, on my bikini line, and where I used to have to shave every day, now it’s at least a month before it comes back. Because I have my Luma charged and ready to go, I can do “touch-ups” whenever I want!

I imagine that the more touch-ups I do, the longer it will be between needing them AND the hair has grown back finer than before. I can’t tell you how much of a confidence builder this is for me–no more need to be self-conscious in a bathing suit, or changing in a public locker room, etc.

The cost of the unit is $379, but the nice people at Luma Rx have given me a coupon code for $50 off. Just click to purchase and use the code MINI50 (these are not affiliate links).

It has been my pleasure being the guinea pig for you! If you do purchase one (or already have), please let me know how it’s worked for you!

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One Comment

  1. I noticed you were using the larger Luma in a video recently, I would love to know your thoughts so far. Thanks so much!

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