Hostess Gifts For All Occasions | MsGoldgirl
It’s that time of year when we get invited to people’s homes for holiday get togethers, open houses, happy hours, cocktails, dinners, etc. I may be old-fashioned, but I truly believe one should always arrive with a small token or gift for the host/hostess when arriving. It’s the least a person can do when they’ve gone to the trouble of opening their home, feeding and entertaining you for a few hours. There’s always the cliched option of bringing a bottle of wine or flowers, but how about something a little bit different? I’ve come up with ten hostess gifts for all occasions that can easily be bought ahead of time and stored in a closet or cupboard, ready to pop into an appropriately themed gift bag at a moments notice. The good news is that almost all of them are under $30, and many of them are well under that. These also make great gifts for most holidays and birthdays-so if you want a well-stocked gift closet, consider keeping a few of these items on hand at all times!
2. t
4.Trapp Candles
–White Fir
-Golden Cypress
7. Barefoot Dreams Socks
8.Set of Hand Creams/Bath Set
–Laura Mercier Bath Set
9. Floral Soap Petals
Great websites to find unique gifts:
Also, don’t forget to patronize your local shops and boutiques. You will find truly unique and special items at these locations, and often these sorts of shops will throw in free (and beautiful) gift wrap which will save you even more time and money!
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